
The Distribution Committee is responsible for the dissemination of the Society’s announcements. Announcements are distributed to the PTO’s Weekly USPTO Weekly (when appropriate), the PTOS website, bulletin boards located in the kitchens of each building, and the email list server.

Distribution Chair
Keith Raymond
(571) 270-1790

Specific email lists for each region are currently being generated and updated (regional events will also be posted to the PTOS website announcements and calendar). If you would like to be added to a specific region email list please contact a distribution committee member below.

Distribution Regional Points of Contact

Southwest Region
Neel Patel
(469) 295-9168

Western Region
Andrew Polay
(408) 918-9746

Rocky Mountain Region
Allison Bourke
(303) 297-4684

Midwest Region
William Monticello
(313) 446-4871

Northeast Region
Rob Hodge
(571) 272-2097

Planning an event? Check out the helpful information below regarding distribution of flyers and event information.
(Please note, the link to download the flyer templates only works in Chrome)

For information on the distribution process and submitting a flyer for distribution click here.

To download a powerpoint file of PTOS flyer templates click here. (Chrome Only)

To download a png file of the current PTOS logo, click on either of the following links:
PTOS Logo with text under