
PTOS Fantasy Football

• Fantasy Football League • • LEAGUE RUNS FROM SEPTEMBER 5TH - JANUARY 5TH • join now to be ready for the league start! Prizes are a $20.00 gift card for the top 2 winners of each group (paid out once the league is over) Please fill out this Microsoft form with your Pick Set Names: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6b9K_7WDJkCLj_ppocrQuDfi-lKm-GJHifyY8268FWVUQkRYRVZDT1VONlc5TlVMSjhGTzk3WjNLUS4u • Group 1: Pick ‘em • Every week, you predict a winner for each game and assign points based on how confident you are that they will win. If you are right, you will receive those points, and at the end of the season, the person with the most points will get a prize! If there’s a large enough participation, PTOS is considering additional potential prizes (e.g.- who wins the most number of weeks, the highest points every month, etc.) Tie-breakers are included for each week if we end up providing prizes based on weekly wins. To join the group go here: https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/pickem/register/joingroup. GROUP ID: 20844 (Pro Football Pick Em on Yahoo Fantasy Football) GROUP NAME: PTOS PASSWORD: PTOS • Group 2: Survival • This group is elimination style, instead of point based. Every week, you select one team you think will win. If you guessed correctly, you continue on to the next week. If you guessed incorrectly, then you’re eliminated. You cannot reuse a team, so make sure to choose wisely! At the end of the regular season, the survivors win a prize! To join the group go here: https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/survival/register/joinprivategroup/ or https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/survival/register/joinprivategroup?gid=13549&invitation_key=c0b6515172cd576c. GROUP ID: 13549 (Survival Football on Yahoo Fantasy Football) GROUP NAME: PTOS PASSWORD: PTOS • The Details • 1. You will need to register an account with Yahoo if you haven’t done so before; this is the only requirement; there is no monetary fee to register or join the groups. 2. When you sign up and select pick set names, by default, you will be sharing the email address associated with your Yahoo account. You do not have to share that and can deselect that option if you wish. 3. Please fill out this Microsoft form with your Pick Set Names so we can keep track of everyone competing. Reminders will be periodically sent out throughout the season if there are any unknown competitors, but at the end, if we can’t figure out who the winners are, then the prize goes to the next person. 4. Pick deadlines have been set to 5 minutes before each game for the pick ’em group and 5 minutes before the first game of each week for the survival group. 5. There is a message board in the pick ‘em group which can be used to chat with each other. Please be nice with one another. You will be warned if there’s any issue, and any continued issues will lead to being locked out of the message board. 6. This event is hosted by PTOS but is open to all employees in the region! Contact fawaad.haider@uspto.gov or robert.hodge@uspto.gov with questions. • Hope everyone has fun coming up with picks each week & may the best competitor win! •

Today is Tuesday January 14, 2025

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