
Financial Planning & Insurance Talk #4


2015-2016 PTOS Financial Planning & Insurance Talks


Talk #4: Gearing Up for Retirement Workshop



Gearing up for your dream retirement?


The Retirement GPS Workshop can help you set your coordinates to seek a secure retirement by learning how to:

-Define your vision for retirement

-Understand the different phrases of retirement

-Recognize potential financial detours

-Identify the financial fuel you’ll need to power your retirement dreams


***A Retirement GPS Guide & Retirement Destination Workbook will be provided to those that attend.


Thursday, 11/12/2015, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM, Randolph Conference Center – 1st Floor



Event number: 641  815  066, Event password: 12345


(Teleconference only: 1-571-270-3000, meeting ID: 641  815  066)


ALL are invited!  Come learn, mingle, and enjoy light refreshments!  (Note: No other time will be granted.)


Hosted by:  Patent & Trademark Office Society (PTOS) Education Committee


For more info about PTOS Financial Planning  & Insurance Talks, contact  Angela Nguyen or Aimee Li.


For more info about PTOS or to join, visit