


Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, PO BOX 2600  ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA  22202


Executive Director

(Four-Year Term)


By requirement of Article VII, Section 2(i) of the Constitution of the Patent and Trademark Office Society (herein “Society”), Article III, Sections 4 and 5 of the Bylaws and Article VII of the Standing Rules of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society (herein “Journal”), a vacancy is being announced to all active members of the Society in the position of Executive Director of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society.



• The Executive Director must be an active member of the Society.

• Demonstrated skill set to perform the duties as noted below.



• The Executive Director shall be responsible for promoting the business of the Journal, advertising the Journal in other publications and at various venues, promoting advertising in the Journal, increasing Journal circulation, improving the quality of the Journal, putting the Journal out in timely manner, supervision of the editorial and advertising staff, knowledge of the standing rules and bylaws of the Journal.

• The Executive shall serve as a member of the Board of Governors but shall not have a vote on any measure affecting his or her compensation except for the Journal annual budget; shall provide monthly reports as set forth in the Standing Rules; and shall perform such other duties as may be deemed appropriate by the Board of Governors.

• This is a paid position serving the Board of Governors of the Journal for a four- year term (mandated by the Society Constitution), which commences on the date of assumption of the position.



• All applicants must submit their qualifications statement.

• A personal interview conducted by the Board of Governors may be required.

• This position will be filled by majority vote of the Board of Governors with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors of the Society.


To apply, please submit your qualifications statement to:

Bratislav Stankovic           REM02C61               (571) 270-0305   


Deadline: Close of Business April 22, 2016